1,500 LF Utility Duct Bank
Roncelli performed utility upgrades between the North Powerhouse Building 611 and East Service Drive at Detroit Metropolitan’s Wayne County Airport. Utility services include 125 lb. steam and pumped condensate piping within secondary containment conduit, chilled water supply and return piping, medium voltage electrical duct bank and communications duct bank. The project involved excavating a 16’ deep trench along one of the main thoroughfares at the airport in an area with an extremely high concentration of existing utilities vital to airport operations. Trench boxes and directional boring techniques were used along the median and powerhouse sections of the duct bank. Without interruption of traffic flow, Roncelli used jack and bore techniques to install utilities crossing one of the airport’s most traveled roads.
Roncelli was renovating the nearby Building 610 converting it to the new Police Operations Facility designed to receive central plant utilities from the North Powerhouse Building 611. Additional electrical demand for the renovated building required replacement of the existing undersized main power feed. Communication ducts were required and installed to support the recently completed Security/Communications Infrastructure Master Plan. This project also provided connections for the future provision of steam and condensate to Building 614 and electrical duct bank north along the East Service Drive, including multiple vaults, manholes and hand holes. Work inside the North Powerhouse included connection of steam, condensate and chilled water to existing lines and electrical cable routing and support to existing medium voltage switchgear.
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